Our energy advice team would like to remind you about the spray foam insulation scam warning put out by Devon Trading Standards earlier in the year.
Some of the key points from the article are here:
“Customers are often cold called and subject to hard sale techniques to persuade them to agree to this insulation. Guarantees are often offered which are only as good as the longevity of the company providing them.
While spray foam insulation can be an effective way to improve energy efficiency, it is important to ensure that it is applied by trained professionals and is suitable for the property concerned. Adequate ventilation in lofts and roof spaces is required.
Spray foam can lead to problems when the homeowner wants to sell, re-mortgage or release equity from their property so before any work is done it’s important to check with your mortgage provider.
Some lenders may not provide a mortgage or an equity release and if you sell your property some surveyors will advise that it is removed.
Traditional glass fibre* insulation in lofts is still the most widely used insulation in new houses, is accepted by Local Authority building regulations and provided a roof is properly ventilated will cause no issues. There have been no studies to show glass fibre quilts cause mould.”
The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors has produced a consumer guide for spray foam.

*Traditional rolls of loft insulation are available in a number of different materials including glass fibre wool, mineral wool, recycled plastic and sheep’s wool.
Insulating a loft at the rafters can be done very cost effectively. Depending on the size of the loft and whether you DIY or get someone in, the cost may range from say £200-£1500.
There are also schemes available today which can insulate your loft for free depending on your EPC and Council Tax Band and in some cases your household income.
If you have any questions or concerns about loft insulation, or to have a chat about it, please get in touch with us (Tamar Energy Community) on 0800-233-5414 or via our enquiry form here.